Monday 13 April 2015

Making Dinosaur and Shell Fossils

Yesterday we made salt dough for fossils. 
We used salt, water and flour.  The students are always eager to help make
and prepare for our lessons.  We wanted to make fossils to see what a Paleontologist
finds and what they looked like.  So... our students founds different objects in our room
like shells, small dinosaurs and plants to press into the dough.  We had to press 
them into the dough to make a print but carefully pull them off as not to rip
 and put a hole in the dough. We put them into the oven to dry out and then we 
painted them the next day.  Our fossils look great!!  Thank you to our photographer 
Ilee who took our pictures for us as Mrs. Osborne was helping with the 
measuring.  What a great hobby this could be, way to go Ilee.

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