Sunday 10 January 2016

Literacy Gingerbread books

This week our class began our study on The Gingerbread man!!  During the week we will be reading other books like The Gingerbread Baby, The Gingerbread Friends, The Gingerbread Girl and the gingerbread Pirates.  Our class is already chanting "Run, run as fast as you can, you can`t catch me
I`m the gingerbread man".

We are making our own gingerbread man puppet.  The tracers are great 
for fine motor strength, as well as cutting.  Giving our students the 
opportunity to use these skills each day will build their fine motor in 
many ways.  It also helps them with colouring, open and closing objects 
and of course printing.

Mrs. Diab making gingerbread playdough.  It took alot of experimenting
with mixing the colours to get the perfect colour.

Making cloud dough that smells like gingerbread.  The ingredients are
 8 cups of flour, 1 cup of oil and 2-4 tbs of cinnamon.  What fun we had 
with the cough dough.

We played a game called Roll-A-Gingerbread Man. What a fun game for 
you and your child to play.  All you need is one die, crayons and paper. 

The Gingerbread Baby was about a boy Maddie who was impatient 
waiting for the gingerbread to cook in the oven.  When he opened the 
oven to take a peek out popped the gingerbread baby.  

Making a class book called "I'm The Gingerbread Baby."  On the page
 it states "I'm the Gingerbread baby, happy as can be, to be living in the house
that (name) made for me!"

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