Tuesday 5 May 2015

Our Daily Routines

Snack time 

Colouring pasta to use with playdough

                                         Nezar and Jayden found some rocks outsides so we
                                         took out this book and looked at what type of rocks
                                         we found.

Nezar said "I found a chalk rock" ( a rock that
you can write with)

                                                        Jayden said " a chalk rock"

                 Today we had some fun in the gym with all types of balls like soccer, basketball,
                 nerfball, beach balls and balls you can sit on.  Here are some of our students enjoying
                 their time.
                                            Talal enjoyed the bouncy ball and soccer today.

                                                            Look at those mad skills.

                                                  Lamar enjoyed the bouncy ball today

                                           Ilee enjoyed the bouncy ball today

Mariam enjoyed playing with the beach ball today.

Donna enjoyed playing with a basketball today

Jayden enjoyed playing with the bouncy ball

Story Retell


Ilee and Hamza enjoyed story retell of the 
"The Three Little Pigs"

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