Friday 23 January 2015


Our students are still active with the pirate ship and treasure box, so
we thought we would go on a treasure hunt!!
WOW,  were the students excited! I could barely get the words out before
they were jumping up and cheering they had the best teachers ever and this was
the best day of school!  First Mrs. Osborne made a map and "X" marked the spot where
the treasure would be found.  (SHH the children didn't see Mrs. Diab outside hiding the treasure)
The children were told it would be near or around our playground equipment, that was all.
Before we could get started we had to lay down some rules, like no running and pushing as we
need to work as a team.  Also if a friend finds it, we can not take it from them.  

Here we are all ready to go.  Mrs. Diab again points to the "X" marks the spot.  

                                               Talal and Nezar have found something I wonder
                                              what it could be?

                                         "Look I found something that has 3 sides and a curved
                                         side" said Nezar

                                                   "Nezar look I found 2 circles" said Talal
  During their excitement in finding the shapes they totally missed the treasure box.  So Mrs. Osborne and Mrs. Diab and the students "Was there anything else there?"

Talal runs back and grabs the box.

The students ask Talal "what is in the box?" To the 
                          students surprise there were jewels and necklaces in the treasure box.
                                          Talal very excited and thrilled he was the one who
                                          found the treasure.  Good job Talal.
                                          Nezar was very interested in the map and the "X"
                                          marks the spot as he says it.

Talal pointing out where he found the treasure. 

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