Tuesday 25 November 2014

Write the room

Writing the room
The children were able to choose a pair of glasses, a pencil and a clipboard to Write The Room.  This means they can write numbers, letters or words around the room on the paper they have.  The children are so excited to find the new numbers, letters or words we hide around the room.  
IF YOU HAVE ANY OLD SUNGLASSES OR CHILREN'S GLASSES AT HOME, YOU ARE NO LONGER USING, WE WOULD LOVE TO USE THEM IN OUR CLASSROOM!  We would love it if you could please send them in with your child.  Thank you 

Our clipboards and bucket of glasses
Zahraa writing letters
Nezar hard at work writing numbers

Realm showing off her work
Fatima helping Hajar with writing letters and words. 

Zahraa showing her work

The word "is" and " for" said Realm
Anabiya wrote number words 1-7

The word "one" said Donna

I wrote in , "red and mitten" said Ilee

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