Monday 30 May 2016

Our gr. 8 teacher Mr. Kennedy found this beautiful creature for us today.  
We placed it in a container so we could figure out whether it was a moth or butterfly.
We found out this beautiful creature was a CECROPIA MOTH.
Our students were very excited to see this moth!!  Our students 
noticed something was wrong with a few of its wings.  Some even said
this was because its wings were still wet. 
As we are observing and documenting our butterflies we found out the butterflies
needed to dry their wings and pump fluid through them in order to fly.  
We did however let it go in the bush as he needed to be back in his natural environment.
Look at its it enormous body!!

Take a look at its wings (you may have to enlarge the picture to see
the damage.  

If you notice its antennas, our students thought they looked like feathers.

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