Saturday 7 March 2015

A balance scale

During investigation time Ilee went to work on making her very own balance scale.  We had just had a math lesson on how a balance works and why we use one.   So Ilee took legos and other materials from the art centre to complete her scale.  She was so excited that she came to us and said
"look I made a balance scale , I made made my legos balance on my scale."  
Way to go Ilee, nice thinking! 😄

Nezar wanted to make a scale that went up and down.  So we problem solved and worked together to find some materials to help him out.  We found some ribbon in the art centre, 1 bucket in the water table and borrowed 1 bucket from another room, some rocks, some tape and two caps so the scale would not fall off.  

 Nezar began by adding rocks to one side and Hajar came over to investigate what he was doing.

                          The other children noticed if I put all the rocks on one side then it goes down

                   Some more friends came over to help out with the process and it became a
           game of how fast can we get the rocks to the other side before the buckets went down.

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