Thursday 8 January 2015

Bubble paper/Fine motor

To help us with our fine motors skills we took some bubble paper out today and incorporated it into a math lesson.  We rolled a die and then popped the corresponding bubbles to match the number on the die. Ayaan thought this was an easy task.
Jayden had an easy time popping bubbles as well.  Fatima and Rafi worked very hard, at first they found this activity difficult but with hard work and perseverance they were able to pop the bubbles.  
Donna had no problem with this activity.  Bilal said this activity was hard.  

This group it easy to pop the bubbles.  They all worked through this game with no problem and were very excited to count and pop!! They would jump up yelling " yeah or hurrah " when they finished a number. 

This group had mixed emotions on wether it was hard or easy.   Preet, Nezar and Hamza thought it was easy while Lamar and Talal thought it was hard.

This was very good as they thought it was easy!! 

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